Кроссли Д.А. и др. Кариес и одонтокластические резорбтивные поражения у шиншилл (англ.)

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It is well recognised that domesticated chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera) suffer from a range of dental problems (Kennedy 1970, Emily and Penman 1990, 1994, Webb 1991, Strake and others 1996), the most frequent of which is the result of reduced and uneven coronal wear of the premolar and molar (cheek) teeth with resultant root elongation and secondary malocclusion (Crossley 1995, 1997). Although rarely detected clinically, destruction of dental hard tissue can often be recognised at postmortem examination and in prepared skulls. This short communication reports the histological confirmation of caries and odontoclastic resorptive lesions in a chinchilla.
Crossley D.A., Dubielzig R.R., Benson K.G. Caries and odontoclastic resorptive lesions in a chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera) // Veterinary Record. - 1997. - 141. - Pp. 337-339.
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