Вейр Б.Дж. Индукция овуляции и эструса у шиншиллы (англ.)

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Further investigations were made in the chinchilla, Chinchilla laniger, on the induction of ovulation and oestrus. Chinchilla treated with exogenous gonadotrophins (PMSG and HCG) in various regimens came into oestrus (73%) and a mean number of 2\m=.\6 ova were ovulated per animal. Mating occurred in 18% and conception in 12% of the treated chinchilla. This response was considered promising for encouraging chinchilla to breed at all times of the year.


Weir B.J. The induction of ovulation and oestrus in the chinchilla (Индукция овуляции и эструса у шиншиллы) // J. Reprod. Fert. - 1973. - N33. - Pp. 61-68.


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